

1. Leukemia and Lymphoma Society- "Light the Night 2012"
StW says: This is a call to action. I've personally experienced the support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) and now I'm asking you, my caring and charitable viewers, to demonstrate your kindness. Please take one minute to donate whatever you can manage to the LLS, no matter how small. Donations on my LLS page will be accepted through December 2012 HERE.

2. "2012: Top Six International Scandals" Read/View via The New Yorker HERE. StW says: Talk about vices. Good catch up on the world/politically charged events of 2012.

3. "Millions of Charcoal Sacks Clutter Somali Town" Read/View via Voice of America HERE. StW says: To the UN official who will make this decision, lift the ban for a set period of time in exchange for an economic development plan and a start towards its implementation aimed at developing new industry (preferably environmentally friendly) in Kismayo to entirely replace the charcoal trade. If any terrorist activity comes of it, embargo the country. Harsh?

4. "Money MatrimonialRead/View via Grantland HERE. StW says: Talk about standards! I've grown up in the know about some of these things and part of me likes the sense of tradition and pride, but the other part hates the condescension of the whole thing. The most important thing is life's not a dress rehearsal so you've got to live your life for you. Screw standards. They are like rules and as such they are meant to be broken. A friend of mine from high school brought this particular article to my attention. Thanks, MG!

5. Rihanna- "Diamonds" 
StW says: I've been jamming to this song since hearing it reverberating through the speakers of a local hot spot last week. There's something different and all encompassing about this song when it's booming on surround sound. It courses through your body. The bass is everything!