2. Organize your clothing by category (e.g., tops, skirts, pants) and color within each category.
3. Remove any items that can be restored with tailoring or repaired within reasonable cost. Get them fixed or determine how to re-purpose them; I can help.
4. Remove any winter items that really cannot be used during the spring or summer months. Clean and store them.
5. Take all the items from #1 above and dispose of them. DO NOT STORE THEM IN YOUR HOME. Don't suffer the trap of deceiving yourself into thinking they still look good because of old memories. They don't.
6. Take note of holes in your wardrobe (some essentials). Consider trends and what you're willing or excited to try, which should be based on your style, style goals and what flatters you. Take your body measurements, and finally go shopping. Styled to Wear provides a Wardrobe Cleanse & Rejuvenation service. Inquire for details or shop services directly.
photo courtesy of: Hookedonhouses.net