

Obviously ankle straps are a HUGE trend in women's footwear for Spring/Summer 2012; you've seen them HERE and HERE. However, not all legs and ankles are made alike and thus not everyone can wear the same width ankle strap and look good. Just like I can't always wear the same dress as my best friend and look great she can't wear my ankle strapped heels and rock them like me. As an experiment, check out the ankle strap shoes below then read the next paragraph.

It is of my humble opinion that wide ankle straps better flatter women who have thick calves and ankles than thin ankle straps; wearing thinner straps will cause the area they encase to appear larger and sometimes swollen. No one wants their ankles to appear swollen, right? In addition to thicker ankle straps (think about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch wide), I advise higher heels to make your legs appear longer and leaner, especially if you are on the shorter side. Ankle straps shorten the look of any leg. So, the higher the better. Also, you may want to consider (your) flesh colored ankle straps if you're set on incorporating this trend. This way your ankle strap is visible, but not as arresting--your figure won't be foreshortened as much. What I've said above begs the question: "If I have cankles, am short and or have thick calves, should [I] buy into this trend?"; my answer is a resounding "no" for reasons previously stated. If you have thin ankles and calves, rejoice! You can wear any width ankle strap you want.

Here are some ankle strap shoes that I'm eyeing. I'll put this pic on the Styled to Wear facebook page tomorrow (Thursday) and identify the different designers behind each ankle strap. 

Which ones would you choose? Did the information I provide here change some of your initial choices? I encourage you to take a look at the ankle strapped feet walking around near you and see my point up close and personal.